21 June



Mandukasana is an asana or posture in which the practitioner is required to assume the pose of a frog. Alternatively known as Frog Pose, this particular asana is among the easier ones in the world of Yoga, and can be done by most people, regardless of their age.

How to Go About It
  • Assume the Vajrasana position first.
  • Make fists using both hands, but remember to tuck the thumb inside the fingers.
  • With the knuckles inwards, place the fists on your navel’s sides.
  • Start exhaling and contracting your stomach and bend your body forward to try to get your chin to touch your knees.
  • Maintain position for a minimum of 1 minute.
  • Inhale and release yourself from this posture and return to Vajrasana to complete one cycle.
The Benefits
  • Helps in lowering stomach fat and hence, contributes to weight loss.
  • It is an anxiety and stress buster, and helps in maintaining calm.
  • The activity of Pancreas is significantly stimulated in this asana, which leads to proper secretion of insulin. Insulin is vital for the body to stay energetic.
  • Diabetes patients have hugely benefited from the regular practice of the Mandukasana.

Safety Measures
People who have issues with their lower back should try to avoid the Mandukasana.