21 June

Tantra Yoga

Kriya Yoga Form

In many philosophies around the world, it is believed that the principles of the universe and the universal can be best understood if we first begin to understand our own individual selves. Tantra Yoga too, states the same. It can be said to be a combination of all existing sciences of our world such as physics, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics, psychology, astrology and numerology. Instead of looking at a particular branch of a tree, Tantra Yoga emphasizes on the importance of studying the entire tree.

The Aim of Tantra Yoga
Expanding awareness is the main aim of Tantra Yoga, and this state of expanded awareness should not be just limited to our waking state. It should be a part of our dream and sleep states as well. Tantra Yoga requires an entire reprogramming of the brain. From the time we are born, we absorb a variety of information that goes on to shape or program our brains. There are many people who find absolutely no problem with this absorbed information. But for others, the story is not quite the same. There are many who experience problems, and require a complete reprogramming. This reprogramming requirement is fulfilled by the practice of Tantra Yoga. By changing our thought process through Tantra Yoga, we can detach ourselves from negative concepts like intolerance, ignorance and our self-centered attitude.

Unlike many other Yogic disciplines, Tantra Yoga does not involve any kind of renunciation of sexual activities. Tantra Yoga accepts and asserts that as embodied beings, we all have desires, which are completely natural.