21 June



Ushtrasana is a Yoga pose in which the body of the practitioner resembles that of a camel. The word ‘Ushtra’ is a Sanskrit word and it translates to camel. In the western world, this asana is known commonly as the Camel Pose, and it is recommended to people suffering from back issues, respiratory difficulties and nervous system problems.

How to Go About It
  • Sit down on your knees first.
  • Gradually, bend yourself backwards, and use your hands to reach out and hold the respective ankles or heels.
  • The neck and head region should also be moved backwards. At the same time, push the entire waist region in a forward direction.
  • Once you achieve the final position, breathe normally for a duration of 10 seconds, after which you can return to your initial stance.
  • For the asana to have maximum effect, try doing it for a few more rounds.
The Benefits
  • Helps to increase lung capacity.
  • Increased flexibility in the abdomen, chest and neck regions.
  • Recommended for asthma patients as it stimulates the activity of the respiratory system.
  • Back muscle strengthening.
  • Significantly improves digestion and aids in stomach fat loss.
  • Aids in posture improvement.
  • Thyroid gland stimulation is ensured.
  • Posture improvement is a certainty as well.
Safety Measures
  • People suffering from injuries to the abdomen, back, knees and neck should not practice the Ushtrasana.
  • Migraine and high blood pressure sufferers too, should avoid it.
  • Insomnia patients are also recommended to avoid the Ushtrasana.