21 June

When is Yoga Day

When is Yoga Day Celebrated Around the World?

United Nations on 11th of December 2014, declared 21st June as International Yoga day. The idea came forth after the Indian Prime Minister made an appeal to the World for adopting a day as Yoga day and making people aware of the uncountable number of benefits related to it. He made the appeal while he was addressing UN General Assembly on 27th of September 2014, for propagating the idea of healthy living by inculcating the habit of practicing Yoga on regular basis. The world welcomed the idea open-handedly and came forward in large numbers.

Yoga not only is a practice which helps in the healthy growth of your physical body but it also is vital to making you mentally and spiritually sound. The practice of yoga came into picture after thousands of years which aim at making a transition in human mind and body helping it from deteriorating. It is that branch of science which deals with seeding happiness, health, consciousness and an elaborated sense of awareness in the minds of people. Yoga is also a form of meditation that helps you in relaxing your body and mind.

Though is a widespread myth that Yoga is a practiced only for ones physical wellness, it actually isn’t true. It’s not only a physical practice but a process which if followed systematically could destroy every other disillusions of life. It connects us to the almighty in the simplest way and helps us understand that God is everywhere and we can find him within our own selves. Yoga is indeed a spiritual dose that needs to be given to human mind for a healthy living. It has been offering to the humans, something which is spiritual uplifting thereby providing with a more fulfilling, happy and tranquil life.

The Bible says that, “"Be still and know that I am God". These few words of the great holy book elaborate within itself the great secret of Yoga. There are various types of Yoga practices that lead us toward the goal of being happy, motivated and focused. Here are a few of them to elaborate the importance of Yoga in our life:

Mantra Yoga

Under this type of Yoga one can become consciously concentrated by following the process of chanting few words which represent one of the aspects of the human mind.

Hatha Yoga

According to this form of Yoga, a series of physical exercise can lead us to the purifying our body, which one important task of the owner of the body. Ancient scriptures have taught us that we all are a part of God and therefore, it is important that, we make a pure room for the almighty.

Bhakti Yoga

This type of Yoga helps on the path of our devotional ecstasy which is an important aspect of understanding and experiencing the phenomenon that each one of us are equal and are a part of the God. It teaches us to love everyone and everything that comes on your way.

Karma Yoga

As per this form of Yoga, without worrying about the results we should walk on the path of heavenly action. We must be empowered to perform all our duties with sincerity and honesty. The awareness of the fact enhances our cognisance that “God is the one who is behind all our actions and we are merely moving in the direction in which he is guiding us to move. The gist is, we should overwhelmingly welcome whatever comes on to our way and let go whatever we cannot stop from moving away.

If we practice theses forms of Yoga on a regular basis we can transcend the mental and physical roadblocks and reach a state of mind where only truthfulness exits. It will help you reach a complete healthy and happy life.

Narendra Modi, stated that, "Yoga, embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action, restraint and fulfilment, harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being."