21 June

Ardhakati Chakrasana

Ardhakati Chakrasana

"ArdhakatiChakrasana” is famous as half waist wheel pose as well. The bend from the waist sideways in this asana resembles the wheel. The name of the Asana is derived from the words Ardha, meaning half, Kati, meaning waist and Chakra, which means wheel. It is one of the most common Asnas that are used for general body toning on a day to day basis"

How to Go About It
  • While standing, your feet should be placed together, and the hands should be stretched out along the thighs. This step in itself is an Asana known as Tadasana.
  • The right hand should be raised vertically, and you should breathe in during this step.
  • The right hand should be stretched as much as possible, following which the body is to be bent towards the left, while exhaling.
  • Once the final posture is reached, maintain regular breathing. The posture should be maintained for 30 seconds.
  • The same action should be repeated for the other side.
The Benefits
  • Practitioners of this Asana have reported relief from constipation issues, especially if it is practiced during the morning hours.
  • The back muscles are exercised and this leads to their strengthening.
  • It is a very useful posture for people with excessive fat, especially around the waist region.
  • Daily practice of this Asana can lead to more flexible hip joints than ever before.
  • Asthma and high blood pressure, two common medical problems of the modern world, can be controlled through this Asana.

Safety Measures
People with existing back issues should talk to an expert before practicing this Asana. Taking instructions from an expert is vital, as improper technique may hamper your health further.