21 June

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga

If Yoga was to be described as a tree, then Hatha Yoga would have to be considered as one of its many branches. The physical exercises, which are commonly practiced as asanas or postures around the whole world nowadays, are referred to as Hatha Yoga. These exercises are extremely varied in nature, ranging from asanas that almost everyone can practice to postures that only the most trained and well-prepared should attempt.

The Concept of Hatha Yoga
The ultimate aim of Hatha Yoga practitioners is the same; to achieve balance through the unification of opposites. It is believed that each human being is made up of aspects that are both masculine and feminine. Through the regular practice of Hatha Yoga, it is believed that the two aspects within each individual, will be balanced, leading to a very good states of both physical and mental being.

The spine is one of the body’s primary energy channel, and Hatha Yoga has the capacity of opening up this channel for those who practice the asanas. All the asanas require regular practice and devotion for them to show any kind of positive effect. Bones, muscles and skin are the three main components of the body that are aligned and given better shape from a physical perspective.

As mentioned before, Hatha Yoga consists of several asanas, and some of them can be pretty tough for amateurs. It is important to remember that Yoga must be done in a calm and composed manner. Overstraining yourself for the sake of getting any particular asana right is not the answer. If you have doubts as to whether or not any particular asana within Hatha Yoga would be wise for you to practice, it is best to consult with an experienced Yoga practitioner.