21 June

Ardha Matsyendrasana


Also known as the Half Lord of the Fishes Pose, the ArdhaMatsyendrasana derives its name from a yoga guru called Matsyendranath, who lived during the 9th Century and also was the founder of the Hatha Yoga. This asana requires the spine to be twisted and tones the nerves and ligaments in the spinal region.

How to Go About It
  • Kneel down, keep your legs together, and rest your body on the heels.
  • Position your body to align your body to the right as the feet stretch out together to the left.
  • The left leg should be lifted in the next step. Lifted over the right leg, it is placed such that the left foot finds itself close to your right knee. At the same time, move your right heel and keep it tightly against your left buttock. Be mindful to keep your spine completely erect.
  • Both arms should now be stretched out wide to your sides, at the level of the shoulders.
  • Start twisting your upper body to the left.
  • Get your right arm to reach out and grab the left foot, and place your left hand behind you on the ground.
  • To reach the final position, twist your upper body to the left as much as possible while exhaling.
The Benefits
  • Hip and spine flexibility is greatly increased.
  • Helps in getting the body rid of its waste.
  • Stimulates digestion.
  • It is known for being a great stress reliever.
  • Opens up the hip, neck and shoulder regions.
  • Keeps various internal organs clean.
  • Gives vitality to the backbone.
Safety Measures
  • Women should avoid this asana during menstruation and pregnancy.
  • People who have undergone surgeries to their hearts or brains should not practice the ArdhaMatsyendrasana.
  • Sufferers of peptic ulcer should avoid it as well.