
How to Perform Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) and what are its Benefits

Man has been revering Sun for being the ultimate source of energy and for nurturing every part of our body from last many centuries. And, Surya Namaskar is one of those ways of showing gratitude to Sun. Sun salutation or Surya Namaskar is a complete set of 12 asanas that all together has the power to keep your breath, body and mind together in harmony.

Performing in Morning - If it is performed during the morning hours, you can get the most benefit and your mind will become more refreshed. You will summon a different kind of energy in your body and through the entire day there will be a kind of revitalizing energy pushing you over.

Performing in Evening – You can calm your body, mind and soul by performing Sun Salutation in the evening. The cyclic movement of the entire body while performing Surya Namaskar provides a huge number of health benefits.

Performing in the afternoon – Doing Surya Namaskar in the afternoon you will feel a kind of instant energy.

Science behind Surya Namaskar

It is said that all of the human’s energy is stored in the Solar plexus and it is the part of the body from where humans get every kind of gut feelings. The size of the solar plexus is believed to be comparable to the size of gooseberry. But, as we start performing Yoga, meditation and Surya Namaskar, the size of solar plexus increases. And, more the size of the solar plexus, stronger is your gut instinct and the mental stability.

Actually the solar plexus that is located behind the novel has strong connection with the Sun. Performing Surya Namaskar regularly increases the size of your Solar Plexus thereby increasing the ability to take decisions, be confident, creative, get more of the power of intuitions and the leadership skills.

Pace at which Sun Salutation should be done……

Fast Pace – Helps in losing those pound of weight

Medium Pace – Tones up your muscles

Slow Pace – Makes your body flexible

Here’s the perfect technique for performing 12 poses of Surya Namaskar….

1st Pose - Prayer Pose
Prayer Pose

1. Stand straight on the edge of your Yoga mat keeping your feet together so as to balance your weight equally on both of the feet.

2. Keep your shoulders in the relaxed positions and expand your chest. Breathe in lifting both of your arms from the sides.

3. As you breathe out bring your palms together in the praying position in from of your chest.

Stand at the edge of your mat, keep your feet together and balance your weight equally on both the

2nd Positions - Raised Arms pose
Raised Arm Pose

1. Breath in lifting your arms up and take it in the back side. Make sure to keep the biceps closure to your ears.

2. The objective of this pose is to stretch the entire body right from the tip of the fingers to the heels.

3rd Positions - Hand to Foot pose
Hand To Foot Pose

1. Breath out and end your body from the waist and make sure to keep your spine in straight position.

2. Slowly bring your hands onto the floor with your feet.

4th Position - Equestrian pose
Equestrian Pose

1. Breathe in, pushing your right leg at the back side and take your right leg on to the floor. Keep your eyes looking up into the sky!

5th Position - Stick pose
Stick Pose

1. Now take the left leg in the backward direction and keep the entire body in a straight line. Let your arms rest in perpendicular direction to the floor.

6th Position - Saluting with eight points or parts
Spluting With Parts

1. While you exhale, bring your knees on to the floor and slightly take your hips back. Slide in the forward direction keeping your chest and the chin on to the floor.

2. All the eight sections of the body that include your two knees, two hands, chin, chest and two feet should all touch the floor.

7th Step - Cobra pose
Cobra Pose

1. Take the cobra position by raising your chest up. You should make sure to keep your ears away from shoulders.

2. Try pushing your chest forward while you inhale and try pushing your navel down on the ground as you exhale. Stretch your body to the extent you can but don’t make any forceful effort.

8th Position - Mountain pose
Mountain Pose

1. Make an inverted V position by lifting the tail bone and the hips up while you breathe in. Try keeping the heels on the floor gently lifting the tailbone up.

9th Position - Equestrian pose
Equestrian Pose

1. Breathe in and bring your right foot in the forward direction between your two hands. Keep your left knees down on to the floor.

2. Press your hips down and the right foot exactly between the two arms. And, keep your right calf in the perpendicular direction on to the floor. Stretch your body by pushing your hips down towards the ground.

10th Position - Hand to foot pose
Hand To Foot Pose

1. Breath out and bring your left foot in the forward direction keeping your palms on to the ground. If you want you can bend your knees.

2. Bring your knees in the straight position and try touching your knees with your nose.

11th Position - Raised Arms pose
Raised Arm Pose

1. Breath in rolling your spine in the upward direction and move your hands up in the upward direction. Push your hips a little outward bending a little in the backward direction.

2. Keep your Ears besides your ears! Here the key is stretching more in the upward direction rather than in the backward direction.

12th Position – Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar

1. Straighten your body up bringing your arms in the downward direction while you exhale. Relax and observe the magic of your body.

Here are some incredible benefits of performing Surya Namaskar regularly…..

1. Helps in weight loss

2. Works in blood circulation in your body

3. Helps in maintaining regular menstrual cycle in the body

4. Great remedy for hair and skin

5. Improves your nervous system and memory

6. It helps in straightening up your body

7. Helps in proper digestion relieving from constipation

8. It helps with enhancing your level of concentration and helps in proper functioning of the brain.

9. Helps immensely in maintaining a good blood pressure and also helps with irregular heart beat.

10. Helps in the proper management of the menopause stage. It also is very helpful in keeping the child birth complications at bay.

11. Helps in curing joint problems and helps in healthy functioning of joints. Surya Namsakar is very helpful for those suffering from sciatica and arthritis.

12. Brings a lot of patience by creating the much required harmony between body and the mind. Also, enhances the brain functioning and brings in positivity in your thinking process.