21 June



Veterans of the Yoga community see the Padmasana as the ultimate asana for attaining a meditative state. Through regular practice of the Padmasana, the practitioner can blossom in his forthcoming life, just as a lotus does.

How to Go About It
  • Sit on the ground or your yoga mat with your spine erected. Extend your legs towards your front.
  • The right knee should be bent and placed on top of the left thigh. The heel should be positioned near the abdomen, and you should remember to point the sole in an upward direction.
  • The above step should be repeated for the other leg.
  • The hands, in a mudra position, should be placed above the knees.
  • Your head should be kept straight, and the spine should remain erect throughout.
  • Concentrate on your breathing and take long and deep breaths.
The Benefits
  • Muscular tension is significantly decreased.
  • Great for maintaining optimum blood pressure levels.
  • Great way to calm the mind after an exhausting day.
  • Women can alleviate menstrual discomfort by practicing the Padmasana.
  • It is a stimulant for the digestive system.

Safety Measures
If you have a knee or an ankle problem, it would be wise to take the advice of an experienced Yoga instructor before commencing your Padmasana practice.